Open Conversations with International Coaches

Accountability: The responsibility of the client to take action and follow through on commitments made during coaching sessions.

Action Plan: A detailed plan created by the client and coach outlining specific steps to achieve the client’s goals.

Active Listening: A communication technique used by coaches to fully concentrate, understand, respond, and remember what the client is saying during coaching sessions.

Client: The individual or group receiving coaching services from a coach.

Coach: The individual providing coaching services, guiding and supporting clients to achieve their goals and potential.

Coaching: A collaborative process between a coach and a client to achieve specific goals, improve performance, and enhance personal or professional development.

Coaching Ethics: The principles, standards, and guidelines that govern ethical conduct and professional behavior in coaching practice, including confidentiality, integrity, and respect for clients.

Coaching Session: A structured meeting between a coach and a client to discuss progress, set goals, and explore strategies for growth and development.

Feedback: Information provided by the coach to the client on their performance, progress, and areas for improvement.

Empowerment: The process of enabling and supporting clients to take control of their lives, make decisions, and achieve their goals autonomously.

Feedback: Information provided by the coach to the client on their performance, progress, and areas for improvement.

Goal: A desired outcome or objective that the client aims to achieve through coaching.

Goal Setting: The process of defining specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals with clients to guide coaching sessions.

Limiting Beliefs: Negative beliefs or assumptions that hold clients back from reaching their full potential, often addressed and reframed through coaching.

Motivation: The drive or desire that energizes and directs behavior, often explored and nurtured by coaches to help clients achieve their goals.

Questioning Techniques: Strategic questioning used by coaches to facilitate self-discovery, reflection, and problem-solving in clients.

Reflection: The process of thinking deeply and critically about one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions, often encouraged by coaches to promote self-awareness and growth.

Resilience: The ability to adapt, bounce back, and thrive in the face of adversity or challenges, fostered through coaching.

Self-Efficacy: The belief in one’s ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish tasks, cultivated and strengthened through coaching.

Strengths-based Approach: A coaching methodology that focuses on identifying and leveraging clients’ strengths, talents, and positive attributes to achieve success.

Transformation: The profound and lasting change that occurs in clients as a result of coaching, leading to personal growth, development, and fulfillment.