Open Conversations with International Coaches

OCIC Previous Episode Regulars

Sometimes regular members of our weekly live presentation panel find the need to move on to other important personal or business activities. We wish to continue to recognize them for their important contribution to the OCIC Network. Therefore, we continue to list them below as a part of the OCIC Network community. Please do feel free to reach out to them.

The Best Way To Predict Your Future Is To Create It

Gerald’s message is: You can learn from other people’s wisdom and not make the same mistakes.
Gerald’s mission is: To help you reduce the amount of mistakes you make in your lifetime, even although we learn most from our mistakes — life is too short to not learn from other’s. Success leaves tracks, reduce your failures and grow quicker — you simply will not live long enough to learn and make all the same mistakes that others have learned from which will help you.
Gerald Alexander – Wealth Coach, Scotland.
Gerald Alexander Wealth Coach Scotland